Monday, September 29, 2008

My First Easter

Originally Posted on 3/23/2008 7:33:00 PM

Today was my first Easter. I am 9 1/2 months old and I can crawl and cruise quite proficiently. Mommy and Daddy wouldn't be surprise if I started walking soon considering how much I improve my mobility from week to week. Today was a very busy day. I woke up at 7 because I had been up from 4:30 am to 5:30 am. I'm not sure why I woke up in the middle of the night, perhaps it was a bad dream. Mommy checked my diaper but I hadn't pooped so in the end she gave me a bottle and rocked me to sleep. That was normal though, normally these days I sleep all the way through the night. At 7 Daddy came and got me so I could hang out in the big bed for a little while. I had cheerios, pear and yogurt for breakfast.

After breakfast I got to play while Daddy talked to Grandma and Grandpa Sly over the computer. Daddy tells me that they could see me too. Daddy put me down for a nap but while he was doing that, he broke my crib! Somehow he managed to break the plastic that holds the side that drops so it wouldn't stay on. He had to tape it so I could take my nap. I took a nap around 9 am and slept until 10:30. Mommy was making food for Easter while I was sleeping. When I got up Daddy played with me in my room while he tried to fix my crib. When Mommy was ready we took a walk to Nana and Grandpa Rulli's house. Mommy needed to help Grandpa with his computer so I got to play with Nana for awhile.

When we got home I had a small lunch then Mommy let me crawl around in the kitchen while she continued to cook for the Easter meal and do a little cleaning. I went down for my afternoon nap around 2 but Mommy and Daddy were dumb and left the phone in my room. When someone called it woke me up and I wouldn't go back to sleep. Finally, Daddy brought me downstairs around 3. I was a bit surprised though because it seems while I was sleeping lots of people suddenly appeared in my house. My Nana and Grandpa Rulli were there along with my Great-Aunt Susan, my Mommy's cousin Landis and my second cousins, Nathan, Hana and Lydia. I thought the big kids were very cool.

We had our Easter meal around 4:00. I got to sit at the big table in my high chair and eat rosemary mashed potatoes, ham and green beans. It was yummy. After dinner we went for a walk to Old Garden Beach. I sat on my Great-Aunt's lap while I watched the big kids chase Daddy and Buffy around the beach. I can't wait until I can play tag with Daddy. Mommy tells me that we are going to spend a lot of time on the beach in the summer. I plan on eating lots of sand.

When we got back to the house I had even more yummy food, some Sweet Ricotta Tart that Mommy had made from scratch. I like sugar but what kid doesn't!? Mommy has a sweet tooth too. But now it was getting late and I was getting very tired since I missed my afternoon nap. Mommy cleaned up while Daddy gave me a bath and put me to bed. I was so tired I fell asleep in his arms after my bottle which isn't something I do very often these days.

Happy Easter everyone!

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