Thursday, April 19, 2007


I had an ultrasound yesterday to check on the location of my placenta and to find out how big Lizzie is getting. The good news is my placenta is officially out of the way so I don't have to worry about that complication any more. Lizzie is about 4 lbs. 2 oz. and measuring about a week behind in growth which is still quite acceptable. In fact, it means I have my gestational diabetes under control because she isn't getting too big. Macrosomia (or a big baby) is one of the complications of gestational diabetes. In this picture she is lying on her left side. She was very active during the ultrasound. She was kicking me, moving her arms and making sucking motions with her mouth. It was very cute!

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So, here I am at 32 weeks pregnant. It's hard to believe I have only 8 more weeks until my due date! I'm still feeling great and can't complain about much.

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