Nina and Chris, the Sly in-laws, came to visit over Thanksgiving week. I think they enjoyed their first feeding frenzy.
The kids enjoyed playing with the dogs, especially Lydia!
For Thanksgiving this year we had a 33 pound turkey. It barely fit in the pan! We had to get up early to get it ready and in the oven by 8. Fortunately it only took 7 hours to cook so we were ready to eat by 3.
Friday, November 10, 2006
This is our first ultrasound at 7 weeks on 10/26/06. The baby is about as big as a lima bean. The head is at the top. The round image is the yolk sac. At this point the placenta has not yet formed. We got to hear and see the heartbeat (151). It was a very exciting day. It was also the day where we discovered that only one embryo implanted.
"Back when you were 8 or 9 cells old..." I guess that's what we'll be telling our kid some day. One of these beautiful embryos implanted successfully and is growing inside me as I type this. As of 11/10/06, I am 9 weeks 3 days pregnant.
We're pregnant! Our third IVF cycle at a new clinic worked! This was our first home pregnancy test. The lines are faint but they are definitely there.