The bride, Sarah, and the groom, Thane plus the newest member to our family, Madison (Sarah's daughter). Welcome!
My cousin Kevin. He is proudly the only unmarried kid in my uncle's family.
This is my cousin Theron's family (Yan, his wife and Tristan, Gavin & Rafael). Yan is from China and we are hoping that one day we can travel there with her.
My cousin Hannah, her husband Adnan (who is from Bosnia) and her children, Amina and Medina.
Here is my cousin Rachel, her son Quincy and her husband David. They could all be on the cover of a magazine!
This is Quincy, my cousin Rachel's son.
Here I am holding Medina, my cousin Hannah's baby. She is 5 months old and an absolute joy. I really wanted to take her home with me. I think Greg and I will be visiting Chicago soon so I can hold her again!
This is my cousin, Sarah, and her husband, Mark. Out of my uncle's 9 children, she is the one closest in age to me. She has three children of her own.
Meet my family fron Indiana. I won't list everyone but my Uncle Tom and Aunt Pandy are in the middle sitting down. My uncle has 9 children total, 2 from his first marriage and 7 from his second. The last four were adopted so we have a wonderful multi-racial family. We had a great time at the wedding and visiting with my family.
Greg and I went to my cousin's wedding in Indiana this past weekend.
Friday, May 12, 2006
Erin and I spent the day in Boston with our Mom's and Erin's sister to celebrate an early Mother's Day. This photo is of me, Erin's mom, Erin and Erin's sister, Jenni.