Thursday, December 7, 2006

Here is our little peanut at 13 weeks 1 day. This ultrasound was done in conjunction with an early risk assessment that checks for Downs Syndrome indicators. The doctor checked the size of the nuchal translucency fold and the bridge of the nose. They are also doing some bloodwork. The doctor happily said the we have a beautiful healthy baby and unless the bloodwork comes back with something suspect, there is no need for an amnio.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Nina and Chris, the Sly in-laws, came to visit over Thanksgiving week. I think they enjoyed their first feeding frenzy.

The kids enjoyed playing with the dogs, especially Lydia!

For Thanksgiving this year we had a 33 pound turkey. It barely fit in the pan! We had to get up early to get it ready and in the oven by 8. Fortunately it only took 7 hours to cook so we were ready to eat by 3.

Friday, November 10, 2006

This is our first ultrasound at 7 weeks on 10/26/06. The baby is about as big as a lima bean. The head is at the top. The round image is the yolk sac. At this point the placenta has not yet formed. We got to hear and see the heartbeat (151). It was a very exciting day. It was also the day where we discovered that only one embryo implanted.

"Back when you were 8 or 9 cells old..." I guess that's what we'll be telling our kid some day. One of these beautiful embryos implanted successfully and is growing inside me as I type this. As of 11/10/06, I am 9 weeks 3 days pregnant.

We're pregnant! Our third IVF cycle at a new clinic worked! This was our first home pregnancy test. The lines are faint but they are definitely there.

Monday, September 25, 2006

We changed from a charcoal colored roof to a slate colored roof.

We just had our roof redone.

Monday, September 11, 2006

This photo was taken of Greg and me on 9/3/06.

My cousin Landis and her two daughters, Hana and Lydia on the whale watch boat.

My aunt Susan and my cousin's husband Ed enjoy the beautiful day on the whale watch boat.

I went on a whale watch this weekend (9/9/06) with my my aunt, my cousin and her family. We saw approximatly 36 whales in total, 26 which were identified. The whale in the photo kept breaching over and over again. We also saw a display of flipper slapping, a whole load of mother and calf pairs, a calf that got close to the boat and whales feeding. It was, by far, the best whale watch I've ever been on.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Lots of people canoe/drift down the Saco river. The big thing is is like spring break! This group had a bbq going!

Greg wasn't very fond of the new hat I bought him to keep the sun off his face and neck!

Greg and I went camping/canoeing this past weekend (8/26-8/27). This was the second year we did this trip. We spent two days canoeing down the Saco river in Maine/NH.

Caleb and Sarah joined us this year on our canoe trip. Here she is resting after our first day.

Monday, August 21, 2006

What can I say? It's LOVE!

We also met Laurie's boyfriend, Justin. We definitely have to go back and spend more time with them.

Greg and I enjoying ourselves in Central Park.

We were lucky enough to be able to catch up with an old friend of mine, Laurie Naughton (formerly Ciarametaro).

Greg and I went to NYC this past weekend (8/19 - 8/20). We spent some time in the lower Manhattan area near the old Fulton Fish market.

My friend, Craig, and Buffy cuddled up on the couch together.

Open wide!

Buffy has recently discovered the joys of sleeping on the couch. We can't get her off it now!

Monday, May 22, 2006

The bride, Sarah, and the groom, Thane plus the newest member to our family, Madison (Sarah's daughter). Welcome!

My cousin Kevin. He is proudly the only unmarried kid in my uncle's family.

This is my cousin Theron's family (Yan, his wife and Tristan, Gavin & Rafael). Yan is from China and we are hoping that one day we can travel there with her.

My cousin Hannah, her husband Adnan (who is from Bosnia) and her children, Amina and Medina.

Here is my cousin Rachel, her son Quincy and her husband David. They could all be on the cover of a magazine!

This is Quincy, my cousin Rachel's son.

Here I am holding Medina, my cousin Hannah's baby. She is 5 months old and an absolute joy. I really wanted to take her home with me. I think Greg and I will be visiting Chicago soon so I can hold her again!

This is my cousin, Sarah, and her husband, Mark. Out of my uncle's 9 children, she is the one closest in age to me. She has three children of her own.

Meet my family fron Indiana. I won't list everyone but my Uncle Tom and Aunt Pandy are in the middle sitting down. My uncle has 9 children total, 2 from his first marriage and 7 from his second. The last four were adopted so we have a wonderful multi-racial family. We had a great time at the wedding and visiting with my family.

Greg and I went to my cousin's wedding in Indiana this past weekend.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Erin and I spent the day in Boston with our Mom's and Erin's sister to celebrate an early Mother's Day. This photo is of me, Erin's mom, Erin and Erin's sister, Jenni.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

I made some chocolate eggs for my family for Easter. The larger ones actually have M&Ms inside them!

Friday, March 10, 2006

More co-workers in the limo! Marilyn, Joyce, Chitra, Bill and Bill (and in the far back, TJ & Ted).

Last night my department at work went out on the town. We were driven in a white Hummer Limo out to dinner in the North End and then to play pool at Jillians. In this picture you see Tom, Jeff, Me, Bill and Craig (looking in my purse!).

Thursday, January 5, 2006

Caleb and Sam on New Years Eve day. Hmm..there seems to be a theme in sweater wear!

Greg and Me on New Years Eve day.

Sam and Erin on New Years Eve day.

Tuesday, January 3, 2006

My friend Craig gave Greg and I a wonderful housewarming present, an original drawing of our house! He's extremely talented! Check out for more of his artwork.